The Broadway Intensive

The Broadway Intensive

The Broadway Intensive is a collaboration between The Plaza Arts Center and The Arts Barn designed for young adults to expand their talents. Students will rehearse a production from start to finish for two weeks with Broadway-Veteran Henry Scott, culminating in a 2-weekend run of a complete musical. A virtual audition is required to participate. 




All participants must be 15-25 years of age (rising 10th grade to age 25).


Registration will open after the cast and crew list is released. Participants must audition to be eligible for the Broadway Intensive. If cast, participants can register through The Plaza Arts Center's website,


The cost of The Broadway Intensive is $300. This includes the cost of instruction, costuming, and lunches. Scholarships are provided by OPAS and are available for anyone who needs them.




Participants should arrive on the first day of the intensive with the following prepared:

Participants will be responsible for providing:

Virtual Auditions

Audition Information 

Auditions for The Broadway Intensive production are due Friday, March 22, 2025 at 11:59pm. Audition submissions should be emailed to Callbacks may be held in person at a later date.

There will be 3 parts to the audition: singing, acting, and dancing, all to be recorded and submitted. Please put all of these on one video, with a slate at the beginning. (So, you'll introduce yourself, give your age and/or grade, and tell us a little about yourself and then create the video.) Please don't edit the video except to connect each section together. Please upload your video to YouTube. Make sure to make it "unlisted" in settings, that way only people you give the link to can see it.

Along with a video submission, auditionees should attach:

Call backs will take place virtually and/or on a later date. Tech positions will also be cast from auditionees.


Prepare 30-45 seconds of a song showing best voice. Please provide accompaniment, an instrumental track, or self accompaniment. Shoulders up should be in frame for this segment of the audition.


Prepare a 30-60 second monologue. Shoulders up should be in frame for this segment of the audition.


Please learn the dance combination with the instructional video. Then, record with the run through video. Full body should be in frame for this segment of the audition. Don't worry! This is just to see how you move. Please wear clothes and shoes that you can dance in.

Audition info flyer

Dance CombInation

Breakdown                 Full Dance Slow                Full Dance Medium              Full Dance Full Tempo 

Past Productions

2024 - Working

"From the moment the curtain rose, the audience was captivated. Smiles, nodding heads, and tapping feet were abundant as the ensemble delivered a series of musical numbers and dialogues that offered poignant insights into the lives and inner thoughts of various American workers. Based on Studs Terkel's award-winning book of interviews from the late 1970s, the musical resonated deeply with the audience." 

~ Harvey Kart 

2023 - Seussical

"What a wonderful performance of Seussical that we experienced on opening night last Thursday. Our grandchildren enjoyed it tremendously.

This is a high-quality production, supported by OPAS and performed by talent from several counties in this area. The talent was amazing and the story is fun."

~ Mike Holland

2022 - Godspell

"Go Tell It On The Mountain - Tonight's Godspell performance... exuded unbeatable quality, passion, and commitment by the cast which permeated the theatre during the entire performance. Oh wow!"

~ Murry Air

2021 - Once Upon a Mattress

"Over the years, we have seen many wonderful theatrical productions at the plaza, but this Plaza/Arts Barn collaboration was outstanding.... They were a joy to watch as they performed, sang, and danced their way into the hearts of an appreciative audience.... As we walked home afterwards, Tom remarked, "Tonight was exactly what the founding members dreamed about as we worked to restore the school and build the Plaza." I consider that a high praise indeed!

~ Sandra Rosseter